Music video: NEWS - Happy birthday

I think I just threw up in my mouth at the sight of this video and hearing this song. The video was so cheesy! It was like something for a kids TV show. Every dude in NEWS is 19 or above. They should be coming with better songs and videos than this. The guys were prancing around like they didn't know what to do with themselves and the choreography (if you can call it that) looked terrible. Plus, they recycled the hell out of some of the dance steps from their "Teppen" video (which I admit; was actually a good video and an alright song).

NEWS will release their third studio album Color on November 19, which will feature their singles "Weeeek", "Taiyou no namida", "Summer time" and the tripe that is "Happy birthday". It goes without saying that this will end up doing big sales figures in its first week and that it will sit at the top of the Oricon charts for a good few weeks. Johnny's boys songs don't even need to be remotely good to push units.
